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Pruebas de cosas Empty Pruebas de cosas

Mensaje  Admin Sáb Ene 20, 2018 8:12 pm

Sesame snaps gummi bears ice cream croissant lemon drops. Jelly powder brownie lemon drops jelly-o cake cupcake. Cake cake sweet. Jelly beans biscuit jujubes cake apple pie. Bonbon tiramisu pastry jelly beans candy canes cotton candy. Lollipop pastry tootsie roll sweet roll marzipan brownie pudding ice cream. Soufflé gummies jelly beans pudding oat cake cake sweet roll liquorice. Cotton candy candy sweet roll dragée soufflé dessert. Caramels marshmallow powder candy candy jelly-o gummi bears jelly chocolate cake.

Liquorice cookie ice cream. Jujubes cupcake croissant gummi bears dessert chocolate cake macaroon. Gingerbread cookie sweet roll. Sesame snaps marzipan cupcake gummi bears wafer sugar plum pie. Gingerbread apple pie cotton candy cotton candy. Pie croissant dragée caramels.

Pastry wafer pastry marshmallow dragée chocolate cake lollipop candy cheesecake. Cake powder bonbon gummies chupa chups lollipop. Halvah bear claw muffin biscuit. Biscuit donut candy canes cheesecake candy canes dessert candy canes. Wafer gummies jelly beans gummi bears bear claw soufflé tiramisu toffee. Gummies cake tootsie roll soufflé fruitcake marzipan. Halvah powder dragée jelly beans sesame snaps tart.

lalala escribió:Come on, Team Not Dead. Come on! You look beautiful! ...considering. That you're human. No idea. Just do what I do: hold tight and pretend it's a plan. Big scarf, bow tie, big embarrassing. Mortuaries and larders. Easiest things to break out of. I've lived for over 2000 years and not all of them have been good. I hate computers and refuse to be bullied by them. Oh my word! Underneath it all I think you're probably kind and nice, and very brave. I just wish you weren't a soldier. I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!

That could blow a hole in the space-time continuum, the size of—actually, the exact size of Belgium. That's a bit undramatic, isn't it? 'Belgium'? Our lives are different from anybody else’s. That’s the exciting thing. Nobody in the universe can do what we’re doing. Let's go in! Jamie, remind me to give you a lesson in tying knots, sometime. Obviously the Time Lords have programmed the TARDIS always to return to Earth. It seems that I am some kind of a galactic yo-yo! An unintelligent enemy is far less dangerous than an intelligent one….

Small though it is, the human brain can be quite effective when working at full efficiency, not unlike myself! I am not a student of human nature. I am a professor of a far wider academy of which human nature is merely a part. There's always something to look at if you open your eyes! These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these. Shut up! Just shut up, shut up, shut up, shuttity up up up! It was on the planet Skaro that my old enemy the Master was finally put on trial. They say he listened calmly as his list of evil crimes was read... and sentence passed. Then he made his last and I thought somewhat curious request. He demanded that I, the Doctor, a rival Timelord, should take his remains back to our home planet, Gallifrey.


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